If you've got any questions about osteopathy or how I do what I do, you might just find the answer below!

What Is Cranial Therapy / Craniosacral Therapy / CST ?

I use gentle Cranial Therapy in my treatments, where I gently place my hands on the area of your body being treated.

Cranial Therapy is very gentle but very effective. Often people can’t feel much when being treated cranially but notice the improvements in their symptoms and a common comment at the next session is “I feel better but you didn’t seem to do anything!”. Cranial therapy works gently through the body’s restrictions and the natural tiny movements of the bones, fluid and fascia.


At the end of your treatment you will be offered advice on how to care for yourself, and as you get better how to help stop your issue from happening again.


Your treatment is bespoke, using a range of cranial therapy techniques.


For this part your may be asked to undress, or you can wear a vest top and leggings or shorts.  You will be asked to stand, and perform some simple movements while I stand behind you and observe how your back or neck is moving.

Then you will be asked to lie on the plinth, and hands on examination will look at your problem area as well as other areas of your body that maybe related to the problem.

If needed, neurological, orthopaedic and other medical testing will be performed. Once your problem has been diagnosed I will discuss this with you and what treatment is needed.

Case History

I will listen to why you have come to see me and how your problem has impacted your life. I will then ask questions about your issue, together with some medical questions. This is to screen for any potential medical issues.

What Should I Expect At My Consultation?

At your first session you will have a detailed consultation, examination, hands on treatment and advice.

You are welcome to bring a chaperone with you to each of your appointments.

Will I Have To Undress?

It is not compulsory for you to undress, and you are welcome to wear shorts/leggings/vest top.

However please be aware that diagnosis is partly based on observing how your body moves, and it’s usual when seeing an therapist to be asked to remove clothing from the area being treated. If you are uncomfortable with this, then just let me know and we can work around it.

Can I Bring A Friend/Partner?

You are more than welcome to bring a chaperone with you to any of your appointments. Please be aware that of course they will then hear what we are discussing, which includes your medical history.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Most adults need between 3 and 6 sessions usually on a weekly basis. I will space your treatment sessions further apart as quickly as possible so you don’t spend money unnecessarily.

Each person is different and I will discuss with you your realistic recovery time. A long term problem may require more sessions. Sometimes people like to have a treatment every so often as ‘maintenance’ to reduce their likelihood of problems.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Most adults need between 3 and 6 sessions usually on a weekly basis. I will space your treatment sessions further apart as quickly as possible so you don’t spend money unnecessarily.

Each person is different and I will discuss with you your realistic recovery time. A long term problem may require more sessions. Sometimes people like to have a treatment every so often as ‘maintenance’ to reduce their likelihood of problems.

What Should I Expect At My First Session With My Baby Or Child?

Your Consultation
I will listen to why you have brought your little one to see me, and I will also ask lots of questions about their problem. I will also ask about pregnancy and delivery and mum’s health too.

For older children, I may still asked about pregnancy and delivery depending on why they have come to see me.

Your Baby or Child’s Examination
I will then gently examine your baby or child.

For babies the process looks similar to what you may have seen your GP do. For children I ask them to do some movements such as bending their back, and then examine their joints and muscles to see where the problem is.

I will then do a gentle cranial osteopathy examination.

Treatment For Your Baby Or Child
I will let you know what I found from the examination and whether treatment may help or not.

I will explain what I am going to do before I do it, so you and your child understand and are happy for me to go ahead.

Do I Need To Come To Each Appointment With My Child?

All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult who can give legal consent for their treatment.

This is usually their mother or father.  Please do not be offended if I ask if you have the ability to give legal consent.

If for example a grandparent is bringing them then I will require a written and signed letter from the parent giving clear consent for treatment to be given with the grandparent (or other person) there, and would prefer to talk to the parents on the phone first.

How Many Sessions Will My Baby Or Child Need?

Most babies and children will need 3-5 treatments depending on their problem, and what happened during pregnancy and birth.

Occasionally for some particular issues or complex cases more sessions might be needed but this would be discussed with you fully at the beginning.

Is Cranial Therapy / Craniosacral Therapy Safe For My Child?

As babies grow to become toddlers and children (and adults!), I use cranial therapy for treatment.

Cranial Therapy also known as Craniosacral Therapy or CST is a safe very gentle therapy for children, and often they do not have any reactions. However all parents should know that children can be tired, achey or headachey after treatment for 2-3 days.

Is Cranial Therapy / Craniosacral Therapy Safe For My Baby?

Cranial Therapy is a very gentle and safe form of treatment, and is most commonly associated with treatment of babies, even though I use it with my adult patients too.

Sometimes little ones can be unsettled after treatment (e.g. crying, not sleeping) for 2-3 days as they get used to the changes happening in their bodies, but often parents report that they were “just a bit grizzly” for a day after treatment.

Often parents report they were soothed and relaxed after treatment.

How Many Sessions Will I Need For Pregnancy Issues?

This depends on your particular problem, and how well your body is adapting to pregnancy. Some mums only need 3 sessions for their initial problem, and then may return for ‘maintenance’ to help them occasionally through the rest of pregnancy.

Some mums may have more difficulty adapting to pregnancy for example if they are hypermobile, and if symptoms have started early on in pregnancy may need a few more sessions throughout the pregnancy to keep them on track.

Is Cranial Therapy Safe During Pregnancy?

Cranial Therapy also known as Craniosacral Therapy or CST can be very helpful throughout all stages of pregnancy.

Treatment is gentle, safe and I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

I always take the greatest of care with my pregnant patients, and I will adapt your treatment accordingly. There is absolutely no proven link between treatment and an increased incidence of miscarriage.

Can I Pay By Card?

Yes I have a card machine so can accept all cards including American Express.